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SlotsNZ last won the day on November 21

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About SlotsNZ

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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  • Country
    New Zealand
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    Another Forum

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hawkes Bay, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Slots of course, cooking - breads, tapas, antipasti, mezze etc, armchair motor racing devotee. I follow most oval ball games.
    Nothing better than a gang of friends on the patio, BBQ stacked with fresh seafood and other tasties, and a glass of good vino.

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  1. Regrettable, but undoubtably a necessity
  2. Hah, Would have been harder to believe you didn’t !
  3. Someone mentioned yesterday the difficulty of getting 3D chassis since the demise of Shapeways. Was it Rhys? I know Pendle sell some. There are also two Portugal based producers who will ship to NZ. Both communicate well in English. I recently bought some Olifer chassis and they seem good quality. Olifer https://www.facebook.com/olifer.pt? And 3D National https://www.nationalracers3d.com/shop
  4. A quick snapshot from the Teams Enduro yesterday. Thanks to Mac for again setting up a fun event with great cars to race
  5. Need for speed. I’ll play your crazy game
  6. Thanks to Glen at our great local hobby shop, who cannibalised a broken mini-drone; I obtained sone thin bright steel rods to replace the bulky brass I had fitted and sprayed between the fire-wall and radiator. A bit more like the original car in appearance.
  7. All the best for your wee Op. and a speedy recovery Gary.
  8. 16 of the finest racing gentry to be found this side of the black stump assembled at Oakland Raceway tonight, and 14 made the start line for another night of supper gorging …. and a spot of racing
  9. Back to Oakland next Thursday for the last time in 2024 Gates open at 5:30, blagging and bragging from 5:31 , Hammer down as soon as everyone is present and ready. Week 3 1 Fly Classics 2 DTM [Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft 1984 - 1996] 3 Group 5
  10. Hah, I did exactly the same cracking effect on Oakland. Most of New Zealand highways now incorporate this feature
  11. Nice job. New build Dave ? But those cracks in the cracks in the tarmac at the bottom corner look ominous, familiar even …. Did you use one of those cheap Jack New Zealand roading companies
  12. Brilliant thanks Gazza, I knew about #5 of the 10, and I didn’t know it sat unwanted for so long. if they’d just called me 40 years back, I’d have taken it off their hands before it rusted .
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