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HBMRC - Hawkes Bay, NZ

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They are LED lights (I didn’t check when they were put in that they were as specified), but I guess they also reflect the AC supply. Perhaps someone who knows about these things can clarify.

After a couple or worrying days (personal age related stuff), I really enjoyed the night, I had some good dices with Pat, who is usually away up the road from me.

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Raw footage from the GoPro. The advantage of a static camera and remote enables us to grab different angles. It’s weird Peter, my phone captures last night also have some flicker which we don’t see with the naked eye. Will have to try using alternative frame rates sometime to see if it solves the problem 


Edited by SlotsNZ

Custodian of many used screws (quite a few loose :rolleyes:)  * Recovering Lapsed Slot Addict :ph34r:  *   Companion of other delusional slot addicts :lol: *  Total kidder

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Pedro - I believe I may have solved the flickering issue.

Having been reminded that your tubes are LED not fluoro, I did a web search, and found some YouTube threads on GoPro about switching a “deep in the bowels” camera setting between 60hz and 50hz when under LED lights to fix this very problem. So hopefully that proves to be the cure. 

Custodian of many used screws (quite a few loose :rolleyes:)  * Recovering Lapsed Slot Addict :ph34r:  *   Companion of other delusional slot addicts :lol: *  Total kidder

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OK fellas, the timing issue has been rectified, so we are back to Speed Seeker this week!

Many thanks go to both Mark and Jason, the track would still be down if not for their help. Much appreciated fellas


Week 4

Australian Touring Cars 

F1 Nsr etc 



Gate opens 5.30

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STILL waiting for Olifer to advise my order of 3D chassis is ready to ship.

meanwhile, I am talking to Vasco at National Racers 3D - also in Portugal, with plans for him to send me some chassis in a few weeks when he has completed a design project. 
So if anyone from our club wants any product from them - holler.

Postage tracked seems reasonable- 5 chassis for €15 as an indicator.

My order will include a couple of Scalextric Falcon XB chassis. 

Custodian of many used screws (quite a few loose :rolleyes:)  * Recovering Lapsed Slot Addict :ph34r:  *   Companion of other delusional slot addicts :lol: *  Total kidder

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Speed Seeker Raceway was our circuit for the Hawkes Bay Slot Car guys this week. Racing was a barrel of laughs, as per usual. Thanks to all for attending

We raced Aussie Touring Cars, Gt3 and Nsr F1

Please see Facebook for results, because I can't seem to post pics on here as usual


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14 hours ago, SlotsNZ said:

meanwhile, I am talking to Vasco at National Racers 3D - also in Portugal, with plans for him to send me some chassis in a few weeks when he has completed a design project. 
So if anyone from our club wants any product from them - holler.

Postage tracked seems reasonable- 5 chassis for €15 as an indicator.

Some of the National Racers 3D chassis look quite interesting.

They seem to be quite expensive until you consider that the  motor 'pod' is built into the chassis so you don't have the additional cost of buying a separate Slot.It (or similar) pod.

I was thinking of buying a couple of these for some of my Avant Slot cars.


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Some video from last night. Unfortunately having switched to the limited frame rate and definition PAL modes to avoid any possibility of flicker, the quality suffers. Darn thing won’t embed today, so can only do a link


Edited by SlotsNZ

Custodian of many used screws (quite a few loose :rolleyes:)  * Recovering Lapsed Slot Addict :ph34r:  *   Companion of other delusional slot addicts :lol: *  Total kidder

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1 hour ago, EME said:

You have to much time on your hands. You forgot Jason. But it looks great.

Thanks. Yeah, I forgot to get a solo pic, thought I’d collected all the mugs. (sorry Jas), so he is just in the group shots.  The software also has limits on 6 “actors” to name. 

Custodian of many used screws (quite a few loose :rolleyes:)  * Recovering Lapsed Slot Addict :ph34r:  *   Companion of other delusional slot addicts :lol: *  Total kidder

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Yo there lads, ladies, royalty and rogues.

As Philip can’t host at Tombstone this week, let’s gather at Oakland, which we skipped over last week due to uncertainty over my recovery.  
And FWIW - shoulder is now also A ok, I can marshall with both hands.

Week 1

1 Pioneer Legends

2 Muscle Cars

3 1965 to 1980 sports

Gates open as usual at 5:30 

Custodian of many used screws (quite a few loose :rolleyes:)  * Recovering Lapsed Slot Addict :ph34r:  *   Companion of other delusional slot addicts :lol: *  Total kidder

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