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Mjk Tyre Selector


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I got annoyed looking for the right tyre in the printed out 2011 catalog. So, I did what any IT geek would do... Firstly I printed the .PDF using XPS document printer, then ran it through Document Imaging OCR to create a text file. Then I re-formatted it to a .CSV file, which allow me to make myself an excel spreadsheet with all of the MJK tyres in it.


A big thanks to Andrew for giving me the knowledge that somtimes the 'right' tyre is not necessarly the 'best' tyre...

So, armed with that knowledge, I then created a lookup table, so that I could narrow down the list of tyres to find the right tyre based on the rim Dimensions...


Anyway, here's a screenshot...



And for those of you who would like to use it themselves, MJK 2011 Catalog.xlsm, and MJK 2013 Catalog.xlsm


Update: Online Version Now Available - MJK Tyre Selector - Google Sheets Version


edit: You will need to enable macros for the auto lookup to work.

edit 2: if there are no results, it means that there are no tyres within -5% and +10% of each variable

edit 3: New 2013 Catalog released and spreadsheet has now been updated

edit 4: Google Sheets version has now been released

edit 5: Added adjustable Accuracy % to google sheets version


Anyway, I hope you guys like it...


ps. As the most recent catalog on the MJK website is from October 2011, if there have been any tyres released since then, I may not have them on my list...

Edited by shadow_rusty
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Nice work. There have been quite a few added since 2011, but not sure how many.

Computers. They'll never catch on.




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Thanks Embs...


If anyone can advise me of the details you see in the image above for any new tyres, I'll happily add it to the spreadsheet...


Currently in the spreadsheet the last part number in each catagory is as below...

Rear 1/32 tyres - '4273'

Front 1/32 tyres - '4409'

Rear 1/24 tyres - '4118'

Front 1/24 tyres - '4303'

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OMG thanks very much,

I have been trying to match up some new alloy rims and tyres for my DBR9 and tyres to suit so that I get the same end result, what a mission this will definitely help with that process.

Thanks again you busy boy you.

Cheers Grant


2025 - Mad Man Motoring (Triple M) Proxy - Group 5 - 1:32 & 1:43



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Armchair have the most up to date list that I know of. Or you could email the MJK boys, tell them what you've done and ask them for the missing information.


I know they've released tyres for the Torana and SCX 'Cuda since the 2011 list was done. I'm sure there were others in 2012 as well.

Computers. They'll never catch on.




Tiny Tyers Targa - The build saga continues - Aging wood - A recipe for staining wood - Don't take a fence - Step by step paling fence - An old shed for my new cars - Wooden garage under construction

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THanks guys...



Thanks for that... Both of those cars are already on the list...

So it's possible the catalog has been updated, but the year on the front page wasn't...


To be sure, I've emailed MJK to see if they have a current catalog...

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That's always a possibility. And while you're at it, ask them when the XB tyres are due out. :)

Computers. They'll never catch on.




Tiny Tyers Targa - The build saga continues - Aging wood - A recipe for staining wood - Don't take a fence - Step by step paling fence - An old shed for my new cars - Wooden garage under construction

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just been playing with it and the table isn't populating, is there some trick I don't know about or do you have to be super accurate with measurements

I put in 14 rim dia and 8.5 step and nothing appears in the table although this is the dims for the vanquish on tab2 of the spreadsheet.

Yes I have check autocalc is on.


Right just reread your first post 5% to 10%

ignore above, sorry to all for lack of reading ability.

Edited by ZeGas

Cheers Grant


2025 - Mad Man Motoring (Triple M) Proxy - Group 5 - 1:32 & 1:43



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Do you have macros enabled?


Edit: I've put a -5% / +10% tollerances into the formulaes already, but I have noticed that some MJK dimensions are a little off when compared to real life...

My pic above shows the real life size of a Camaro rim, and the MJK specs for the same rim. Thankfully, the MJK tyre fits just fine...


Unfortunately, you will need to fill in all of the fields too...

  • i.e. Rim Diameter, Rim Width, Step Diameter, Step Width on the left,
  • or
  • Rim Diameter & Step Width on the right...

But for 14 and 8.5 I get 2 results...

4201 - Suit Vanquish Rear - 14,13,15.7,8.5,21.6,14

4256 - Suit Carrera Capri RS3100 - 14.2,12,17.6,8.2,20,13

Edited by shadow_rusty
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Yeah I had macros enabled


ARGH you mentioned the "C" word. (Capri)

Still a sore point atm :angry:


After a restart it worked fine

I'll blame Bill Gates or his successor.


Thanks for the time to put this together, now get outside and get a life :D

Cheers Grant


2025 - Mad Man Motoring (Triple M) Proxy - Group 5 - 1:32 & 1:43



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Thanks again guys...


Email sent Andrew...

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  • 7 months later...

Updated Catalog: MJK 2013 Catalog.xlsm


edit 3: New 2013 Catalog released and spreadsheet has now been updated

Catalog has been updated (Thanks Gaz), and spreadsheet updated...
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  • 5 months later...

Spreadsheet has been updated again...



Added the new rims, and Ninco GoKart tyres...

Also tweaked the lookup section...

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Thanks for your time in doing this and keeping it updated S.R.

Been meaning to ask, can the tabs be copied and still stay live, I have tried but they loose the formulas.

I want to copy each tab so that I have it set up for each car.

It's not a biggie as I can use the original and copy once I have the data imputed.

Just a Q of curiosity really.

Cheers Grant


2025 - Mad Man Motoring (Triple M) Proxy - Group 5 - 1:32 & 1:43



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The formulas are linked to the 'code' on the tab...


If you right click on the 'Lookup' tab, and go 'View Code', you can copy the code to a new tab and it should work...

If you can't get it to work, let me know and I'll build you a special sheet...

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Yeah, The only VB I understand has a tab on top not the bottom. :D

Cheers Grant


2025 - Mad Man Motoring (Triple M) Proxy - Group 5 - 1:32 & 1:43



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Spreadsheet has been updated again...



Added the new rims, and Ninco GoKart tyres...

Also tweaked the lookup section...

Oops... There was a mistake on one of the tabs...


Updated again...


Yeah, The only VB I understand has a tab on top not the bottom. :D

Hmmm, the coding was a little more embedded than I thought...

Currently working on a 10 lookup page for you...

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Thanks SR

Cheers Grant


2025 - Mad Man Motoring (Triple M) Proxy - Group 5 - 1:32 & 1:43



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  • 2 years later...

Not a problem at all...

Glad it works for you...

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  • 10 months later...

So, I've been getting sick of 'finding' my spreadsheet, and just wishing for a version which works 'anywhere', so I took the challenge to migrate this to Google Sheets.

Due to the embedded coding in the .XLSX version, this was definitely a challenge for me.

Interestingly though, Google Sheets is actually easier to implement the auto lookup...


Note: This is a multi user con-current spreadsheet, so if it's in use, please be patient and try not to upset anyone...


MJK Tyre Selector - Google Sheets Version

Edited by shadow_rusty
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As seen here, there are least 6x sets of tyres that are available that are not in the catalog available on MJK's site.

2 sets of those had their stats on the ArmChair site (thanks guys), but the others are not.


Unfortunately, until MJK updates their site, I won't be able to do much more.

As Wix posted about these in 2016, I'm not very hopeful...


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