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stumbley last won the day on April 30 2016

stumbley had the most liked content!

About stumbley

  • Birthday 09/21/1949

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    United States
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Newberg, Oregon, USA
  • Interests
    Slot Racing, Music, Writing, Dogs

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Without some access hole in the middle, it looks difficult to marshal. Otherwise, an interesting, technical course. P.S. — helping keep up the post numbers from across the big pond...
  2. Vlad: You listed a Maserati Birdcage as an available model at one point; any chance of an .stl file for that one? You have my e-mail...
  3. Happy Birthday, Ember! From a newbie on the board and another one who appreciates the work of the Scots and Irish!
  4. I used the 3M blue masking tape (medium adhesion), the width of the slot and braid recesses. Made sure to emboss the tape down with a brayer (used to ink linoleum blocks, available from art supply stores). You will probably still get a little paint under the masking tape, but not enough to affect conductivity.
  5. The track actually started out as an Artin layout. No space inside, so we had it built out on our veranda. We were close to L.A. harbor, so lots of moisture in the air, and that wasn't so good for the rails on the track. Tried copper taping over the rails, but it peeled off too easily, so...I bit the bullet and made a routed track with tinned copper braid, and after that, moisture was no problem (except for rain, and a custom-made tarp solved that). The "table" was actually 4 sections, as the track was made to pull apart in case we (i.e., SWMBO) wanted to do something else with the veranda. It was only taken apart once before the move to Oregon, that for the Slot Car event at the Petersen Automotive Museum in L.A. You can see what that event was like here: http://socald3.phanfare.com/4763631 (My track shows up only faintly as the one with the Slot-It banner wrapped around it in the background of some pix.)
  6. Well, if it's a rule... This is how it looked in California. The move to Oregon managed to mangle it a bit; not so nice now, but still a fun track.
  7. Thanks to all for the warm welcome! This seems a very comfortable place! Will put my feet up and sip a....well, not tea, as it's not my favorite, but how about a really fine single malt? @munter, I will certainly say hello to Monte for you, possibly next Thursday at our next race.
  8. Yes, John...I race with Monte (Kid Voltage) in the NASTE (Northwestern Association of Slot Track Enthusiasts) club. It's a great bunch of guys and gals. My routed track got horribly mangled in our move from California to Oregon, but it's mostly back together now, and I'm eager to host some racing for the club members as soon as possible. In the meantime, I'm spending lots of time practicing and tuning. I've also really loved your posts on casting and scratch building. Any chance of you ever doing a Maserati Birdcage in 1/32?
  9. Hi, everybody. I'm a new member from the States. My name is Stan Smith, and I live in Newberg, Oregon. I've seen posts by some of your members in other forums, and I decided to see what this one was all about. I'm very impressed by the technical knowledge of the members here, and have already learned a lot from browsing the various sections. I hope to continue learning, and I'm very glad to be here.
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